- Inicio
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- ECCC Blog Principal
- ECCC Primaria Zacatecas
- Anuario Generación 2013-2014
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- BrainPop:Lista de Películas
- BrainPop: Movies List
- Tareas 2014-2015
- Temarios Bimestrales 2014-2015
- Escalas Estimativas 2014-2015
- Guías Bimestrales 2014-2015
- Actividades mensuales
- Calendario de exámenes Teóricos.
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014
lunes, 27 de enero de 2014
ECCC: 1000 Maneras de Salvar la Tierra
Switch off lights you don´t need
martes, 21 de enero de 2014
ECCC: 1000 Maneras de Salvar la Tierra
Use the refrigerator properly Refrigerators and freezers require large amounts of energy to chill foods. However, with a little care you can avoid waste without losing any of the benefits of this essential everyday comfort. Perhaps the greatest impact on energy use of a refrigerator is the temperature of the room it is in. A 10°F decrease in the ambient room temperature can decrease energy use by 40%. Do not place your refrigerator or freezer near a heat source, such as an oven, a microwave placed on the appliance, a heater or radiator, or a south-facing window. Also, take care not to place hot dishes in the refrigerator, or to overfill it. Make sure the door closes tightly- it the seal loosens at all, the cool air will escape, wasting energy. And if you hear the compressor come on a lot you may have a leak.
lunes, 20 de enero de 2014
ECCC: 1000 Formas de Salvar la Tierra
Invest in socially responsible companies
Socially Responsible investing (SRI) not only looks at the bottom line, but also at the environmental and social impact of where your money goes, SRI seeks out companies that demonstrate that they have obligations toward the environment and society, and not just to the consumer; companies that develop collaborative relationships with employees and investors; and investors; and finally, businesses that are honest and transparent in their reporting processes. Such investments support projects that encourage social integration and job creation, as well as initiatives in areas such as ecology, renewable energy, fair and organic farming and food.
Make ethical investments. Show businesses that there is more to the bottom line-that improving the conditions of the planet and our societies is just as important as making a profit.jueves, 16 de enero de 2014
El Ciclo del Agua
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014
Sres. Padres de Familia
Por este medio se les comunica que del 20 al 24 de enero del presente año se realizará una evaluación
semestral a los alumnos.
Favor de tener cubiertas sus cuotas escolares.
martes, 14 de enero de 2014
ECCC: Mil Maneras de Salvar la Tierra
Recycle your cellular phone
Americans throw out more than 125 million cellular phones each year, resulting in more than 65,000 tons of waste that is laced with toxic components like lead and mercury. On average, cellular phones in the United States are discarded and replaced with newer models after only 12 months, In developing nations, cellular phones help people in areas that lack reliable landlines.
Your cellular phone can have a second life. Many charities collect old phones, refurbish them, and send them to people in need. You can resell a newer phone on eBay. And be sure to check with the manufacturer of your phone-they may a take-back program that will recycle it properly.
viernes, 10 de enero de 2014
Regreso a clases
7 de Enero
En el horario habitual
de 7:30 a 14:30
Horario extendido 15:00
a 18:00
Publicación de temarios, guías y
características de reporte de lectura bimestral.
10 de enero
Podrán ser consultados en el blog
Entrega de exámenes y reporte de evaluación
correspondiente al 2do. Bimestre
17 de Enero
Pegado en el cuaderno
de cada materia y el reporte de evaluación en el cuaderno de tareas.
Evaluación Semestral de Conocimientos
20 al 24 de Enero
Se aplicara una
evaluación semestral de los conocimientos adquiridos durante el primer
semestre del ciclo escolar 2013-2014.
Para esta evaluación no
se requiere Guía de Estudio pues su valoración comprende las habilidades
adquiridas por los alumnos la cual evalúa la aplicación del conocimiento.
Simulacro de sismo
21 de Enero
Se realizan actividades
de contingencia en caso de sismo.
Suspensión de labores
31 de Enero
Suspensión de labores
por Junta de Consejo Técnico Consultivo.